
Observing vs. creating

I want you to see what I see. I wish I could just open your eyes to the truth that I am now beginning to understand. Unfortunately, this is not my office. I cannot make anyone understand. 

I think often of sharing truth. I want to convince you. I want you to see--finally and actually see. I want your eyes to be open to the truth of this world, to the purpose of this world, to reality. You think it is foolishness to claim that there is ultimate reality, to claim that there is ultimate truth. But that is only because your eyes are closed. 

It is not arrogant of me to claim this truth. This is not my truth. I did not decide this truth.  I did not create, pick, find, make, or invent this truth. I have simply seen this truth and I want you to see it as well. It is not arrogant of me to align myself with this truth. This truth has thousands of years of allegiance, backing, and authority. 

My friend, you are the arrogant one. You stand there by yourself and claim, "there is no truth. Truth is whatever I decide it to be. Truth is my own." You stand by yourself, in your own wisdom, and decide what is true. That is arrogance. Thinking that you, alone, are knower of true truth. Thinking that you have found, discovered, or created ultimate truth in your short, tiny lifespan. How conceited of you. How can you claim that I am the arrogant one? When all I am doing is saying, "Look, I now see truth." But you, you are saying, "I have created truth." Which is the more arrogant position, to look upon truth, or to create it out of nothing? Are you not claiming to be god--the maker of truth? Are you not claiming to be the very thing that you say does not exist? 

My friend, I find it far easier to have faith in something that has thousands of years of authority, historical backing, and a deep shared experience amongst millions, than to have faith in an idea that I, alone, have deiced to be truth. 

I only say this because I love you. I am not defending myself, even though it sounds like it. It is fine if you find my position to be arrogant. But I say all of this because I want you to see truth as it has been created by the true Maker of truth, and not truth that has been assembled by the false decider of truth--you. 

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