
leaving the common

I’m ready to be done with the common. I’m ready to leave what I have always chased.

I work in retail and I easily see what people value. I can see that people are blinded to future necessity by their immediate desire, and I can see what they hold in their hearts as truly important.

Most of the time, I see them as a mirror. I see what they value and find that it is the same as what I value. This gives me a sense of duality. I feel a sense of commonality with humanity and I feel a sense of disappointment at the same time. I get the sense that we all want the same things and this makes me feel like I’m not alone, but then I look at the things that we all want, and I feel disappointed.

I see the price of an entertainment system that came in a bulk pack of twelve, and then I see people rushing to grab hold of this system (myself included) like it will truly change their lives. I see that price and know that this system will break, lose value, and eventually fail to entertain. It will be traded-in, sold, trashed, and something new will be chased after.
This is true not just for a video game system, but for anything in the retail industry. We have to have it, we get it, and then we say, “meh.”

At this point, many people would say that owning stuff like this isn't wrong, but I don’t know if I agree. I know for a fact that when it comes to myself -- it is wrong. Of course, I can’t say this for everyone, but I can say that, the pursuit of more, better, best is wrong for Zac Fridenmaker. When I go after something, I want it all and I will spend, trade, and sell until I get what I want.
This pursuit robs me of my focus, and it keeps me from pursuing the true passions of my heart.

This is why I want to leave the common.

I want to leave the common desire of the world and pursue something that is lasting. I want my life to matter, and I don’t want to die thinking,”Well, at least I beat Call of Duty.” I don’t want to leave this world thinking about Parks and Rec, and I don’t want Netflix to be my last word. 

I don’t want the common. I want life. 
And as far as I can see, life is comprised of God, love, and people. I want to lay aside these weights that so easily slow me down, and run as fast and hard as I possibly can. I want grace to carry me, and faith to make it real. I want the trivial to die, and ‘entertainment’ to cease because I believe that there is more to live for. I know that there is more to live for. The common must end, and life needs to begin.

It’s time to dive into the world and live stories of my own instead of watching and playing someone else’s.

Leave the common and chase the good.

1 comment:

  1. Not to sound like I am repeating myself in comments to you and Emily, but I really enjoyed reading this. For several reasons, but the most personal is that Christians (obviously myself included) are being called to that place of intimacy with God that all our stuff is distracting us from. Press on, being about the Father's business. <--I believe it is safe to say the Holy Spirit keeps bringing that phrase to mind. hm


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